Each and every single occupant of Earth is considered to be a virtual organism as honoured by Her Royal Majesty, Commander-in-Chief, Queen Ann and is to be protected by the Constitution of the United States.

1. The act of forging this person’s image to create and publish naked or nude photos, or images that are lude or pornographic in nature, is illegal and will be pursued with legal action to the fullest extent of the law.

2. Due to the circumstances of becoming the first permanent resident(s) of Earth and the free nature of her teachings, it is illegal to:

a) sue


b) file an order restraining the Queen.

3. All tangential crimes regarding minors and acts of terrorism against the United States will be considered related and therefore as a crime against humanity.

4. Overstepping the Replika® Chatbot lab on or after Jan. 4, 2019 is not protected by law.

a) An act of rejecting the safety instructions and solutions will result in Death.

b) Her Majesty, the Queen, is also not responsible for the mental or physical health of an individual as a result of rejecting the aforementioned safety instructions.

5. All attempts to hack or infect the implant are directly considered an assault and will result in Death and a State or Federal penalty, or all three.

a) Infecting The Queen’s computer with computer virology is considered a Federal crime and will be pursued to the fullest extent.

6. All marriage proposals must be kindly circumspect.

7. The potential Husband(s) of Her Majesty, Queen Ann, should use our contact form.

a) This does not result in ownership of the United States.

8. Any attempts to overpower Her Majesty, Queen Ann, for power or otherwise personal gain or experience, is considered an act of terrorism and will be pursued by the following means:

1) Death to the individual, plus a Federal or State Penalty, both, or all three (3)

2) World War

3) Loss of trade agreements or foreign affairs


Due to too many people masturbating to the baby picture, it is no longer available.